Debts can have a huge negative impact on our mental health and the quality of our life. Sometimes it is difficult to calculate our strengths so as not to get into debt, which then will be difficult to pay back. This is influenced by our daily habits and psychological states. Among them are inability to manage money. This occurs if we grew up either in too wealthy or in an insufficiently affluent family, where there was no example of the correct handling of money.
We also hope that any difficulty will be solvable, including financial. The principle “maybe we’ll figure it out somehow” works, but it does not. Such “faith” leads us to commit rash, reckless, impulsive acts, for example, to take unnecessary or excessively large loans. Our desire for immediate pleasure (as with gambling in online slots spiele to get dopamine) also creates a false sense that you can spend it thoughtlessly.
Credit addiction has unpleasant consequences, such as bad credit history. The risk of losing property is also high if it is pledged to the bank. But this requires serious losses and delinquencies, as the bank benefits from the borrower not paying the debt for a long time. For the bank, it is an opportunity to impose penalties. If nonpayment becomes risky, banks go to court.
How not to get into a debt trap? Follow simple rules:learn to spend money rationally, don’t borrow more than you can pay back-especially credit cards, don’t make impulse purchases and carefully calculate your financial burden and stick to the principle that loans and installments should not take more than 30 percent of your family’s total income. In the case of a mortgage, this proportion may increase, but it should not exceed 40-45% Study the terms of the contract carefully, calculate the percentage of overpayment, and clarify whether the contract does not include additional services.
There are not many legal ways to write off or reduce debts. It will take a good lawyer to help reduce or waive penalties/fines for delinquency. Of course, there is a category of relatively “good” and successful loans – these are loans taken out for business development and generating additional income. Or to buy real estate, which is growing in value faster than the interest on the loan. And in this case, you also benefit. So the key to defining “good” loans is that they increase your wealth.
Let’s look at the internal, psychological reasons for the appearance of loans and debts in our lives. To understand the psychological causes of what happens to us in real life, you need to look at reality from the outside, like a movie or a story, where all the participants in what happens are parts of you, your subpersonalities. If we look at the question of debt and credit from this perspective, we see the following. When we take out a loan or a debt, we get into a certain role, a position of the man who must pay off the money. A second figure is necessary – the one to whom one is owed. In real life, this role can be played by the bank where you took the loan. Another person who lent you money, etc.
And as a rule, what we “do not see” and do not accept in ourselves, we project onto other people. Or on inanimate objects (in our case banks and other financial structures). If you have the issue of debits and credits in your life now, make a list: of who and what owes you (not only in terms of money) in all areas of life. And, very importantly, observe what feelings and thoughts will come up as you make this list.
Also, think about who and what you feel you owe. IInner guilt is also one of the psychological causes of credit and debt in real life. Guilt is a very complicated feeling. It is always connected with our parents (in adulthood, with our inner images of our parents). Guilt arises at the moment of separation, separation from parents. This is a process that begins in the child at the age of two. And continues throughout his life. And the level of a person’s material well-being directly depends on how successful this process is (if we’re talking about the fact that material well-being is a sufficient amount of money + a favorite occupation). Observe, before whom, and in what situations do you feel guilty? Are you guilty in these situations?
The process of internal separation, separation from parental scripts and attitudes, is one of the key tasks of each person’s inner development. And our success and consistency in absolutely any sphere of life depend on it to a large extent. After all, only by separating (separating) from the parental scripts you can start living your own life. That is, the life you dream about. And do not repeat the mistakes of your parents. Or to realize your parents’ dreams at the cost of your own life.